Book Recommendations

Please review our list of recommended books that our leadership team have selected for your personal and business growth.

Under Mind

Tanya Chernova, Joanna Andros


There are seven core beliefs that are quietly living and breathing in the subconscious minds of millions of people. They are the pillars of a corrupt unconscious belief system that sabotages success, and because of them bank accounts dwindle, self-esteem suffers, relationships fail, health falters, and inner peace is always out of reach.

The Go Giver

Bob Burg

This is a story about the power of giving. Imparted with wit and grace, The Go-Giver is a classic bestseller that brings to life the old proverb “Give and you shall receive.” Nearly a decade since its original publication, the term “go-giver” has become shorthand for a defining set of values embraced by hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

The Starbucks Experience

Joseph Michelli

Filled with real-life insider stories, anecdotes, and step-by-step strategies, this book takes you inside one of the most talked-about companies in the world today. You will learn how great companies come to be and how great companies continue to thrive and change with the times.

The Energy Bus

Jon Gordon

The Energy Bus, an international best seller by Jon Gordon, takes readers on an enlightening and inspiring ride that reveals 10 secrets for approaching life and work with the kind of positive, forward thinking that leads to true accomplishment - at work and at home.

Developing the Leader Within You

John Maxwell

Developing the Leader Within You is Dr. John Maxwell’s first business book, which has now sold more than one million copies. It covers topics like the true definition of a leader, traits of leadership, and the difference between management and leadership—it’s a classic must-read for an up-and-coming leader hoping to inspire their employees.

The Four Agreements

Don Miguel Ruiz

The book offers a code of conduct based on ancient wisdom that advocates freedom from self-limiting beliefs that may cause suffering and limitation in a person's life.

The 10x Rule

Grant Cardone

In this business book, Cardone argues that in order to succeed in life, you first need to set massive goals and then take massive action towards meeting those goals. In simple terms, The 10X Rule teaches you to aim high and work harder

The One Thing

Gary Keller

The One Thing certainly comes with an impressive reputation, having been on most of the important bestselling business books of recent decades. This book’s premise is that you need to build a big vision and then zoom into a narrow focus, so you can start taking measurable action to move towards your greater vision.

Retire Inspired

Chris Hogan

In Retire Inspired, Chris Hogan suggests a way to look at retirement from a new perspective. Rather than seeing retirement as being an age when you stop working, you should look at it as being the point where you have put sufficient funds aside that you can live the rest of your life the way you want, without the need for working.

The Slight Edge

Jeff Olson

The premise of this business book is that if you can change your mindset and follow certain daily disciplines, you can radically change your life. The daily disciplines are simple productivity upgrades, but when you repeat them day after day, the results can be astounding. One of this business book’s philosophies is that, “difficult takes a little time, impossible only takes a little longer.”

The Barefoot Executive

Carrie Wilkerson

The Barefoot Executive walks new business owners through the steps of planning, starting and operating a small business. It contains practical business advice from Carrie Wilkerson’s personal experiences and takes you through the process of setting up your own business, beginning with questioning why you want to start a business in the first place (a good question).

How to Win Friends & Influence People

Dale Carnegie

One of the most groundbreaking and ageless bestsellers, "How to Win Friends & Influence People" will teach you: six ways to make people like you, twelve ways to win people to your way of thinking, nine ways to change people without arousing resentment, and more.

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

David Allen

Small business owners know better than anyone how hard it can be to find and maintain high levels of productivity. In this book, David Allen shares the secret to increasing productivity: being able to relax. And he outlines a system that will help you achieve it.

Daring Greatly

Brene Brown

Every day we experience the uncertainty, risks, and emotional exposure that define what it means to be vulnerable or to dare greatly. Dr. Brené Brown dispels the cultural myth that vulnerability is weakness and argues that it is, in truth, our most accurate measure of courage. This book presents a transformative new vision for the way we lead, love, work, parent, and educate that teaches us the power of vulnerability.

The Big Leap

Gay Hendricks

Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level. Hendricks demonstrates how to eliminate the barriers to success by overcoming false fears and beliefs.

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Robert Kiyasaki

In this business book, Kiyosaki focuses on how you should let your money work for you, rather than spending your life working for your money. He also emphasizes that you should avoid placing your money into objects, possessions and investment instruments that’ll cost you and incur more expenses in the long run, like flashy cars and big homes.

What I Know for Sure

Oprah Winfrey

These short essays which are organized by theme―joy, resilience, connection, gratitude, possibility, awe, clarity, and power―offer a rare, powerful and intimate glimpse into the heart and mind of one of the world's most extraordinary women while providing readers a guide to becoming their best selves.

What I Know for Sure

Oprah Winfrey

In OneBody, Micheal shares how he came to realize what worked—and what didn’t—in his struggle to guide his body and his many clients to a healthy place. And he shows you how to take control of your health to live your best life free of pain well into your 90s.

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